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5. Modules

# You can import modules
import math
print(math.sqrt(16))  # => 4.0

# You can get specific functions from a module
from math import ceil, floor
print(ceil(3.7))   # => 4
print(floor(3.7))  # => 3

# You can import all functions from a module.
# Warning: this is not recommended
from math import *

# You can shorten module names
import math as m
math.sqrt(16) == m.sqrt(16)  # => True

# Python modules are just ordinary Python files. You
# can write your own, and import them. The name of the
# module is the same as the name of the file.

# You can find out which functions and attributes
# are defined in a module.
import math

# If you have a Python script named in the same
# folder as your current script, the file will
# be loaded instead of the built-in Python module.
# This happens because the local folder has priority
# over Python's built-in libraries.