
Threaded programming is used by developers to improve the performance of an application. This module shows how a multiplication operation with some delay can be parallelized using ThreadPoolExecutor.

A good grasp of threads is recommended, but not necessary, before reading the code below.

Here are some resources to learn more about threads:

Python threads are not suitable for CPU-heavy tasks in the CPython interpreter due to the GIL. To address this, we typically resort to forking processes or running C externally.

Here are some resources to learn more about the GIL:

import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
from datetime import datetime

# Module-level constants
_MULTIPLY_DELAY = 0.01  # delay is long enough for threads to be faster

def multiply_by_two(item):
    """This multiplication has a small delay."""
    return item * 2

def run_thread_workers(work, data):
    """Run thread workers that invoke work on each data element.

    The inspiration for this function comes directly from an example
    in the Python 3.x documentation:
    results = set()

    # We can use a with statement to ensure workers are cleaned up promptly
    with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
        # Note that results are returned out of order
        work_queue = (executor.submit(work, item) for item in data)
        for future in as_completed(work_queue):

    return results

def main():
    original_data = {num for num in range(5)}
    expected_data = {(item * 2) for item in original_data}

    # Let's get the data using the simple approach
    simple_start =
    simple_data = {multiply_by_two(item) for item in original_data}
    simple_duration = - simple_start

    # The simple approach has the expected data
    assert simple_data == expected_data

    # Let's get the data using the threaded approach
    thread_start =
    thread_data = run_thread_workers(multiply_by_two, original_data)
    thread_duration = - thread_start

    # The threaded approach has the expected data
    assert thread_data == expected_data

    # The threaded approach is faster than the simple approach in this case
    # because a blocking I/O call like time.sleep forces the current thread
    # to yield its control over to a waiting thread to start running. That
    # means the threaded approach can run blocking operations in parallel.
    # The cost of creating threads is somewhat cheap which means we often
    # create more than one thread to speed up I/O-heavy workloads
    assert thread_duration < simple_duration

if __name__ == "__main__":